Archive for the ‘Smart Cards’ Category
Smart Cards in Access Control

While the recent recession battered balance sheets in almost every business sector in the US and abroad, there were a few industries that saw expansion. One of these growth industries has been the $400 million global access control credential market, which benefited from increased concerns over theft, break-ins and white collar crime. Smart cards and […]
Smart Cards in Public Transit

In today’s public transit systems, contactless smart card are challenging traditional payment methods, offering advantages to both riders and public transit service providers. For service providers, smart card technology reduces passenger loading delays, as well as the overhead involved in processing individual cash fare transactions. Smart cards are virtually impossible to replicate, reducing fraud, […]
Contact vs. Contactless Smart Cards: Which Is Better?

Although smart cards are technological wonders that represent the next generation of magnetic stripe plastic cards, they may or may not be right for your business. Before you make the leap from traditional mag stripe cards to smart cards, you should ask yourself some questions. Then, if you’re ready to move forward with this investment […]
Get Smart About Smart Card Technology

Everything is “smart” nowadays, right? You’ve got smartphones seemingly in everyone’s hands, SMART Boards in schools, and a growing number of those, ah, unique-looking smart cars on the road. In the plastic cards industry, we’re keeping pace with our (you guessed it!) smart cards. Used most often as identification cards for employees and contractors, smart cards […]
Smart Card Technology – Saving on Smart Cards
Plastek Cards announces a new RFID card product we now carry for the Smart Card Industry and the Plastic Card Industry. A new type of the M1(S50) Generic RFID card which is comparable but more stabe than the Philips brand. There is a minimal amount of difference between the two cards, but a substantial difference […]
Contact and Contactless PVC Smart Cards
A smart card is a device that has an embedded integrated circuit chip or better known as an ICC chip. The chip can be either a secure microcontroller, internal memory or a memory chip alone. Contact cars or contactless cards are the two general categories for smart card technology. With a contact smart card the […]
Smart cards provide business transactions in a new flexible and secure way.

Smart card contains electronic memory, and possibly an embedded integrated circuit (IC). Smart cards have two different types of interfaces– the contact smart card and the contactless smart card. Contactless smart cards only require close proximity to a reader to enable the transmission of data, commands and card status, hypothetically taking less time to authenticate […]