Archive for the ‘Specialty Cards’ Category
What Makes This Hotel Key Card Great?
For most travelers, a hotel key card is a tool—a device that serves a practical purpose, receiving little attention otherwise. For the Keating Hotel in San Diego’s historic Gaslamp District, hotel key cards are more than a utility. They are an opportunity to connect guests with their brand in a way that is both tactile […]
Talking about Teslin®
While the vast majority of the cards we produce are made from high-quality PVC, some are made from other materials, including Teslin®. Teslin paper is a synthetic substrate exclusively manufactured by PPG Industries, possessing physical properties that surpass those available in many other natural or synthetic materials. Teslin was first used for card production in the mid-1980s, and […]
6 Considerations for Custom Hotel Key Card Design
Creating custom hotel key cards requires making a few important choices. Whether you require magnetic stripe key cards or RFID, proper planning will help ensure that your hotel or resort’s key cards not only look great, but also reliably get your guests into their rooms after a long day of travel. Here are a few […]
Top 9 Most Creative Hotel Do Not Disturb Signs
In the early twentieth century, hotel do not disturb signs were available in only the finest luxury establishments. Today, they’re ubiquitous. Modern hotel door hangers can be as much about form as they are about function. Here are nine hotel do not disturb signs that get high marks for originality and creativity. The Hotel Helix is a boutique […]
Six ID Badge Design Tips
Superior ID badge design combines three elements: content, security and layout. An ID card with an attractive layout may lack appropriate security features, making it easier to duplicate. Or, an ID badge that has strong security features may lack a clear photo, making it more difficult to authenticate. Here are six ID card design tips […]
Smart Cards in Access Control
While the recent recession battered balance sheets in almost every business sector in the US and abroad, there were a few industries that saw expansion. One of these growth industries has been the $400 million global access control credential market, which benefited from increased concerns over theft, break-ins and white collar crime. Smart cards and […]
Smart Cards in Public Transit
In today’s public transit systems, contactless smart card are challenging traditional payment methods, offering advantages to both riders and public transit service providers. For service providers, smart card technology reduces passenger loading delays, as well as the overhead involved in processing individual cash fare transactions. Smart cards are virtually impossible to replicate, reducing fraud, […]
Summer Travel Series, Part 3: Custom Plastic Door Hangers Beyond ‘Do Not Disturb’
Do not disturb! It’s probably the first phrase you think of when you hear “plastic hotel door hanger.” Although this was the original intent of plastic door hangers and door lock cards at hotels, smart hoteliers have found other uses for them, ways to take them from beyond the simple “do not disturb” and turn […]
Hotel Key Cards, a Free Souvenir: Summer Travel Series, Part 2
How many times have you taken a plastic hotel key card home, either on purpose, or on accident? Our kids always thought they were a great free souvenir! Hotel key cards took root in the United States in the 1980s, and those first key cards were fairly bland, usually just featuring the hotel’s logo. Hoteliers […]